It’s a funny thing when you start taking care of your body – you feel so much better. I know, it’s a crazy concept… lift heavy weights, do HIIT, run sprints – but you feel better?! WHAT? Okay, I might be being a little sassy. Hang with me.
Before I changed my lifestyle my body was actually in a lot of pain at times. I have a mild case of scoliosis and my back used to hurt me a lot… like, all the time. It wasn’t unbearable it was just uncomfortable and ached a lot. Inevitably the back pain would channel itself into a headache. Some weeks I would be fine and not have pain for days and some I would be popping Tylenol like candy.
On top of back pain I also had severe stomach pain. “My stomach hurts” was a daily comment. I could have dealt with the back pain but the stomach pain was a continual, every day thing. I hate going to the doctor, but I made a half hearted attempt to get some answers a couple of years ago with not much help other than “it could be your gallbladder.” Um, no. Deep down I knew my stomach issues probably stemmed from my lifestyle choices, but I wasn’t ready to change them. That’s the thing with change – you can half do it or you can do it all the way. I wasn’t ready to fully commit to changing – isn’t it funny how sometimes we would rather deal with continual pain (and this could be in any part of our lives) rather than just make a decision to change and deal with a temporary pain in order to change our lives?
Since I changed my eating and began my commitment to the gym my stomach hurts about 1% of the time now. You know when it hurts? Well, unfortunately for me it hurts when I eat too much dairy. Which explains a lot – growing up in a frozen yogurt store and eating yogurt all of my life probably contributed to most of my stomach issues. In moderation I have found I am okay but if I overdo it, I pay for it big time. Other things I’ve always known hurt my stomach are the same, but dairy was the big one and now I know how to moderate it.
As far as my back – I haven’t had problems in months. I’m sure shedding 30 lbs this year alone and 40 lbs total helped take some stress off of my back, but I believe the strength training and conditioning has helped make it stronger. I actually couldn’t remember the last time I had back pain until last week… which is what made me think of this topic anyway. I found myself relaxing in a hot bath and yep, you guessed it… eating protein cupcakes. It’s a far cry from bubble baths and jazz music and candles and wine Fridays but somehow soaking in a hot tub because my back hurt and shoveling cupcakes made out of protein powder and egg whites into my mouth because I was in that magic hour of the anabolic window seemed more productive at the moment. And, thank God this is temporary… cause Momma needs a real cupcake.
I know there are true physical pains and issues that working out and being healthy can’t “fix”, but I truly believe a lot of the issues we find ourselves facing or complaining about can be alleviated or remedied completely if we will believe it really is as simple as starting to live a more healthy lifestyle. I join the masses of my other fit friends who want to scream bloody murder when I see another pill, powder, or drink that promises to change your life. You know why we buy into this junk? Because it seems EASY. And, sure, it’ll work for awhile – most of us have tried something like this at one point or another, but is it sustainable? No. Is it healthy? No. What does it teach you? Nothing. It’s easy. These things also cost $$$. You know how much a fit body costs? Basically nothing. You’re already spending money on food – buy better food. All you’re paying for is a gym membership, if that. But, so many of us would rather shell out hundreds of dollars for “supplements” and jump starters and fillers because they promise quick results. It’s madness!
I just had this conversation with someone talking about If It Fits Your Macros (you can read more about why I follow IIFYM here) and how counting macros is the most sustainable way of eating (for me, anyway). I have always believed in the saying of “everything in moderation” – now, obviously I did not always practice this but I do whole heartedly believe in this. I would highly recommend reading this recent article from CBS News about IIFYM – it really breaks it down for those who think us IIFYM followers go around eating doughnuts and pizza all day. Sure, I could eat two doughnuts and that’s it for the rest of the day but that’s not sustainable and I’d be even more hungry than before. So, I eat REAL food… and if I have some room left in my fats and carbs I’ll enjoy a “treat.” I don’t do it every day and especially now I’m not doing it at all but once in a while is not going to kill you.
I had this conversation with someone very recently – you can restrict, restrict, restrict and at some point you are going to snap. Trust me, I know this first hand. If you cut out every single thing you enjoy you are either going to rebound really hard, start binge eating, or gain back everything you lost. Life is too short not to enjoy – so, if you want a piece of pizza (or two or three) – eat them… but, do it in moderation. And, time your carbs before and after workouts. And, eat your protein. And, eat GOOD FAT.
The End.
until next time… xoxo, patty lauren