I’m a people pleaser. I’ve been that way my whole life and no doubt there have been many times this quality has lent itself to opening myself up to be manipulated, taken advantage of, and ultimately left empty. There have been times in my life I have tried to adopt the “I don’t care! I’m gonna do what I want! Rawr!” but when I took that attitude to the extreme I really didn’t like who I became Because, that’s just not me. I do care. Sometimes I care too much. But, that’s Patty Lauren. I want to please, I want people to be happy, I want to fix things. I don’t want someone to be mad at me – that’s a huge issue for me and one I am actively trying to work on, because it’s not reality to be responsible for someone else’s happiness or worrying about walking on eggshells with people.
My dad and I laugh about this now but when I was a little girl I was obsessed with the idea he was mad at me. I have no idea why I thought he was, but I did. “Are you mad at me?” was a constant question – probably to the point of actually making him mad! I won’t spend this time to psychoanalyze myself – I’ll leave that to the professionals. However, there is a lot to be said for this mindset as adults.
If you find yourself relating to me in being a people pleaser you know what it’s like to want people to be proud of you. To support you in everything and never be upset with you. Unfortunately, that’s not reality. It’s not fair to put that pressure on yourself or your friends or family. When you find your true purpose in life you will find these things becoming less and less important. When you’re secure in who you are and what God has placed upon your life the worry and the need to please eases away in the wind. It’s less of the harsh “I’ll do what I want!” and more of the gentle, “This is what I am supposed to do.”
As I’ve touched on in some recent posts, I’ve encountered plenty of negativity as I have become healthier, more fit, and set some big goals for myself. Some of the comments I have received have been beyond hurtful and mean. Now, I don’t want to paint a picture of all negativity and no support because that’s definitely not true. The positivity I have been able to surround myself with and the get encouragement I get on a daily basis whether it be emails, text messages, etc. from old friends, new friends, and strangers far, far outweighs the negative. I am BLESSED to have support and encouragement. But, as I am human, I find myself sometimes hanging on to the sometimes hurtful words of well-meaning (or sometimes just plain ol’ buzz killers) individuals.
Sometimes these hurtful words float around in my brain and burrow away in a soft cavity of self doubt – and they just hang out in there until I am having a difficult day and they pop out like, “SURPRISE!!” I may be working out my body six days a week, but I also workout my mind to be stronger for fighting off lies and doubts and yes, the occasional “hater”. Sometimes those negative words don’t come from other people but they come from an even more dangerous person – self. We can be our biggest destructions.
But, we have to live with ourselves. What do you tell yourself when you are having a bad day? We are all on different paths, but the messages we feed ourselves can be helpful or hurtful. We identify ourselves as friends, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends. We are each individuals crafted by God to be extraordinary. You possess gifts and talents that are unique to you. Do you remember that when you are having a bad day? Do you give yourself a little pep talk about pushing through moments that are difficult, even painful, and remind yourself that the storm passes?
Sometimes self-talk is given a bad wrap, but it’s important. It’s important to be content, happy, and secure in yourself no matter what goals you are pursuing. We are so quick to be harsh with ourselves when we are not doing things the way we think we should be. Not fast enough, not hard enough, not good enough, not perfect enough. We can easily zone in on the “nots” and forget that any good thing takes patience, care, and most of all – dedication.
Don’t be your own dream killer. Don’t listen to your doubts, but instead find motivation in your progress and let that be the fire that leads your way. And, don’t listen to the negativity that you may be hearing from others. You never know where their comments are stemming from – could be jealousy or envy or maybe just a simple lack of understanding. Remember that your journey is your own. Don’t let yourself settle in the sediment of negativity but instead float along the top – remember where you are going and never look back.
until next time… xoxo, patty lauren