Among a few people my nickname is “little lamb” – it stuck when I was a teenager and sometimes I still get called that. I guess it stemmed from a gentle nature and having an innocent spirit. Time has changed some of those things but in many ways, I am still that lamb.
I was having a conversation with someone recently about lambs – specifically, being a lamb that strays from its pen and being sought after to be put back in its place. Most of us are familiar with the Good Shepherd going to find his one lost sheep. However, what I’m talking about today is not about goodness. The reality is we are all lambs who have pens and we all have pen keepers. In Cold Turkey I talked about temptation and this is along the same vein. I understand not everyone reading my blog is a believer but I have no doubt in my mind that Satan is real and he knows Patty Lauren and her weaknesses like nobody’s business.
We all have our pens we have been in – relationship pens, addiction pens, abusive pens… We each have our own story to tell. Pens become comfortable, don’t they? We grow in them and we frolick around like little lambs do, but inevitably our pen becomes small and obtrusive. Our pen door remains open, but we are often too scared to take that first little step outside. So, we play around and even if we are hurt by our circumstances we choose to stay in a closed in situation because it’s comfortable, because there are people in our pen with us that we love, because it feels safe, and because we are scared to see what else is beyond our little gate.
However, as time goes by your spirit grows a little dimmer, the grass beneath your feet isn’t as soft, your spirit is broken… and you decide it is time to explore beyond your pen. After all, the gate has been left open… the only thing holding you back is yourself. So, you venture out and over time, you find your prance again. You grow stronger, your spirit is renewed, you find out new things about yourself… you are free.
One day a familiar face comes looking for you – it is your pen keeper. You have been missed from your pen, it seems. Part of you is so deliriously happy – you’ve been missed! You have changed into an even better lamb than before and you will bring such life to your old pen. You must come back. You think about it – you have missed your pen, in a way. It made you happy, you loved it… there are days when you were on your new journey that you wanted to run back to your pen and be taken care of. You agree to go back with your keeper – and you are excited. You have so much to offer! Things will be different – even better than before! You find yourself practically running back to your pen.
But, things have changed. As you enter your pen you look around and notice you are no longer the only lamb in your pen anymore. There are other lambs who have replaced you in your absence. Your keeper pats you on the head and walks away. You search around the unfamiliar faces and your heart sinks. You are no longer a prized lamb – you are simply another possession. Your sparkle means nothing here as you look around at the dull, lifeless eyes of the other pen dwellers. You don’t belong anymore. Yet, you stay.
You see – your pen keeper is purely a symbol. It could be the pen keeper of “You can’t lose weight – you’re going to be overweight forever. You might as well embrace it and just give up now. Go eat a piece of cake!”
Or, “You aren’t good enough. I’m going to keep you around to play with but once something better comes along I’ll be done with you.”
Or, “You’re so far into your addiction why try to change now? You can’t change. You’re too old, too far into life to be any different. Just give up and give in.”
I’ve said before I wish my temptations and weaknesses were food, but they’re not. I deal with failing at fighting my weaknesses with food at times, but I could only wish my only soft spot was wanting to eat a whole package of Reeses. My weaknesses drive much deeper into my soul than food – but nonetheless, it is a weakness. It’s a pen. I have become my own prisoner in a way at times.
Why do we choose to stay in our pens when the door is wide open? Because, we crave attention. We crave love. We crave familiarity. We want to feel good. And, even if a situation is less than perfect we tend to overlook the bad parts and focus in on the good. I have found myself trying to bargain with God about my areas of weakness. “God, please, this is something I really, truly want. Can I just have my way?” Even though he hasn’t given me my way I believe he has given me glimpses into my way and it’s never the way I think it’s going to be. Letdowns. Disappointments.
Sometimes we venture out of our pens and we go so far – miles and miles into a new world, only to find ourselves going back to our pen because of… hope? love? comfort? Pick your return ticket. So, we find ourselves back at the beginning and maybe feeling like a failure because we feel we have backtracked. I’ve felt that way a few times recently. And, I’ve beaten myself up for it because I feel like more than anything I failed myself. I let myself down after I have worked so hard to keep moving forward. I have taken step backs and they have inevitably hurt me. I have craved things I will never have. And, I have gotten things I have wanted so badly only to realize they are not what I think they are.
Moving forward is so difficult. I’ve been told I’ve made some of the things I’ve changed in my life seem a little easy, but that’s not the case. I’ll be writing lots of posts in the next few weeks and I hope to share more of the struggles with those of you that read. Some days are really hard. Like I mentioned before, I have had moments where I have turned back for a little longer than I should have and when I turned around, my new world was further away than I meant for it to travel. I felt closer to the beginning of my journey than where I am now.
It’s emotional. It’s mental. And, it’s physical. When I let myself emotionally or mentally down, the physical suffers. There have been several days recently where I have looked at myself and I’ve seen that 155 lb. girl who was so unhappy. And, before someone starts screaming, “Oh my God she’s got body dysmorphic order,” I do not have issues with my body image. What I am saying is that when one part of our being is in chaos, the others are sure to follow. When the emotional being starts slipping the physical will not be far behind. Just like when the physical is in distress and overweight and unhealthy, the emotional and mental suffers.
Sometimes you have to protect yourself. You have to protect your growing wings. Sometimes that means leaving your pen and never, ever looking back. Those moments of longing, those moments of craving, those moments of loneliness… they are palpable and they are hard but are they worth going back? This is such an honest struggle for me. It’s a lesson I have to keep going through over and over again. I have such a heart that wants everything to be good and right but sometimes you just have to let go with both hands and trust God that he knows where to put you when you land.
“You have gone past that mile marker. Time for you to jump off at the next exit ramp… and choose a new destination! You’re not headed to the desert… you need the beach.”- CR
xoxo… patty lauren
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