At some point in our lives, we all have come down with a bad case of the buts. For some of us it’s an acute case and for others it seems to be a chronic illness. The buts usually start off innocently enough – they interrupt a planned workout or interfere with a healthy food choice or excuse unkind words or behavior toward a friend.
“I was going to workout today, but I’ve had a long day and I’m tired…”
“I really should eat a salad for lunch today, but everyone else is eating (fill in the blank)…”
“I shouldn’t have said/done what I did, but he/she deserved it…”
One day of buts turns into a few days of buts and the next thing you know every productive decision is interrupted with a but. Progress doesn’t fall apart after a few days – it falls apart gradually as we continue to make excuses and allow interruptions in our life.
The buts often fool us into thinking they are plausible reasons for putting important things on a backburner. We’re all tired. We all have demanding tasks that ask a lot of us every day – whether it be a job, our families, our money situations. One of my favorite quotes is: “None of us are too busy. Life is all about priorities.” If it’s important, you will make a way to fit it in, I promise you. The question is, how important is your health and equally, your happiness? Are your buts more important than being healthy, confident, and secure in yourself?
We are often patted on the back after a case of the buts. We are a culture that tends to make each other feel good for being apathetic. Are you surrounded by people who let your buts becoming burdens? It’s important to have the accountability of at least one person in your life who will challenge your buts and make you evaluate the severity of your excuse.
The next time you are tempted to use a case of the buts to make an excuse not to go to the gym, think about the fact that there are 24 hours in a day. What could you cut out to fit in your workout? Watching that TV show for an hour every Thursday night? Surfing Instagram? Eating because you’re ‘bored’? Life is about sacrifice and maybe for awhile you will have to sacrifice something you enjoy, but nothing compares to being healthy, becoming fit, and staying happy.
“I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any
― Florence Nightingale
Jason says
Many people find that being in a relationship and being committed to the gym are grounds for ands,ifs and buts.